Jun 18, 2013

Our Summer 2013 Winner is...

Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage: Stories 
by Alice Munro

- Wilt, by Tom Sharpe - 3 votes
- Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage: Stories, by Alice Munro - 6 votes

Thanks for your fast responses and valuable votes!  We are now officially ready for our summer reading together. 
We look forward to reading your thoughts and feelings on all, or some, of the nine stories that the book compiles.  
Suggested reading schedule, coming soon.

Jun 2, 2013

Chapter 4 "April Eighth, 1928"

One week after what we had scheduled, here we are to discuss the last and final chapter of Faulkner's "Sound and fury"... did you already finish it? What did the last part add to the story? Globally, what do you think of the book? Would you read another Faulkner? Which chapter did you like best and why? Who is the main character of the book? Take your time...