Nov 23, 2010

The Help. From Judy

I find the speech dialects hard to imagine as accurate for the sixties -- even in Mississippi. Yes it is hard to believe folks were treated so badly 50 years ago -- that is until we think about how undocumented persons are treated today. Seems like there is still a long way to go.
Even if "ends justify the means" Aibileen is taking a big risk here but we learn of the important role Minny played in her life. I wonder if her lie to Celia will be her downfall or her ties to Minny her saving or maybe something else all together.

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting point to think about. The similarities, differences, nuances, roots… between the racial discrimination against black people -- for most/all of us so difficult to assimilate it flagrantly happened just a few years ago -- and the currently ongoing discrimination against another group of people, in this case the undocumented persons.


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