Feb 26, 2012

Blink, chapters 3 and 4

So why do we fall for tall dark handsome men? What about Paul Van Riper's victory? What are your views on the Blue Team and Red Team strategy? What do you think of the excess of information as an obstacle to making the right decision? I'm a little overwhelmed by so many theories, because I'm not really sure of the fact, can we actually find the reasoned answer to all these questions? Or we just go with our gut (our blink moment) and sometimes we get lucky and sometimes don't? Really willing to hear your views!


  1. Night guys!
    Hey, I just took a IAT test..wow...It seems that there are different versions, the one I just completed dealt with my attitude towards vegetables. I must say that due to the eating habits inherited at home, I have been consciusly consuming vegs rather than other food although my Spanish origin and the influence of our gastronomic culture have always made having a nice steak (chuletón del norte) or a nice stew (cocido)really attractive to me. Well, in fact, the test seems to reveal that this, according to what I previously thought, controlled desire towards, for instance, the steak or the stew is much stronger than it seems to me. As instead of having a strong preference for greens I seem to have just a slight one.
    ...do I really know myself?
    (Hope have been able to make myself understood) :-P Have fun reading!

  2. Is this a trending topic lately? I was watching TV Sunday evening and I bumped into the program tres14 (TVE2). The program was about Intuition and though I only watched the last 5 minutes,right at the end they recommended a couple of webs and books and one of them was the one we are reading! Do you think someone in TVE is following our blog?? :-)

    I leave the link here, I recommend it (sorry, only in Spanish): http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/videos/tres14/

    It is interesting how it presents the subject. One of the professors says that you can trust intuitions if they are based on experience from the past. I think that is interesting, because I never think of intuition that way. But the more I think about his assertion, the more it makes sense.

    At some point it says that intuitions are sometimes right and sometimes wrong (I think we already knew that), but that they greatly depend on self-confidence and experience.

    The story of the talk dark handsome men, I find amazing and appealing. I don´t have a clue why, but it seems to be right. I have heard of other studies that show that handsome people are more successful than not-so-handsome people. Sad but true.

    I probably agree with the fact that too much information does not help decision making. Most of the time you just need ONE good or bad reason to go one way or the other.

    One thing that I find fascinating is something I never thought about: we make decisions every second of the day. Without intuition, we would be robots. We would need to be rational about every single step we take in our daily lives. We would probably not be able to get out of bed (though some days this might seem like a good option).

    I guess there is not a certain answer to any of your questions, Rocio. I find that frustrating too, as normally we look for rational answers. It is never YES or NO. The answer is 'IT DEPENDS'.

  3. Hey Arantxa, thanks for the link! Yeah, I'm sure they are following our blog!!! hahahaha...
    I still have to take the tests myself to see...

  4. I have just taken one of the IAT tests https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/ it's an interesting exercise... I will take some other categories as well. To those of you that haven't tried already, it takes less than ten minutes to try!

  5. Hey! Arantxa, thanks for the link! Just watched it...ha ha ha,it seems the NoCookies have become trendsetters! Yuhu!


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