Dec 5, 2010

The Help. Chapters 13 to 18

The story keeps developing; at every page, it gets harder to put the book down. We get to know the characters in greater depth. Not only the main ones, but the secondary too. For instance, Miss Hilly.

Miss Hilly’s Junior League does its fund-raising for the sake of “the Poor Starving Children of Africa” while treating the poor African-Americans of Jackson as if they were subhuman.… (NYT)

1 comment:

  1. In one way or another, it is easy to dislike Miss Hilly. At the beginning I thought the character was too novelistic, too exaggerated. However, come to think about it, there must be something real on that type of person if things were as they were a few years ago.
    However, everything does not happen because one mean, cruel person. I feel the situation was also supported by the passivity of people who were not bad, who maybe did not agree with racial discrimination and segregation, but did nothing to change it. That makes me think about the numerous nowadays situations the average citizen can, and should, raise the voice against to.


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