Dec 20, 2010

Last comments on The Help

I just wanted to finish saying that I have enjoyed the book, but yet, it is not perfect. But I like that it opens a discussion about important issues like racism, working conditions, human nature, motherhood and so on... at the same time, it´s very entertaining. In that line, I´m sure that you know it already, there is a movie coming soon, and I´ll be sure to watch it.

1 comment:

  1. Overall, I liked the book too and I enjoyed reading it. Specially, I enjoyed combining the book with your comments. Not a literature masterpiece, as already said, but a nice written and entertaining book very appropriate for the starts of our book club.

    I am including a link to a section of the official web page of the author. If interested, you can find some information in the author own words about the inspiration and story behind the book.


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