Dec 19, 2010

The Help. Final Discussion

So many thoughts after reading the last page…

What did you think about Minny’s pie for Miss Hilly?  Would you have gone as far as Minny did for revenge?  Which character’s narration did you prefer?  What were your thoughts on the ending?  Did it feel satisfied or did you want an epilogue to know what happened in the end to each of the characters?
  How do you think each of the maternal relationships added to the plot? Elizabeth and her mother, Elizabeth and Mae Mobley, Skeeter and Mrs. Phelean, Hilly and her children.  How do you think Mrs.
 What were your thoughts on Skeeter and Stuart’s relationship?  Did you hope they would eventually be together or were you glad to see him go?   Did you agree with the explanation of her feelings about the relationship?  Did it change as the novel progressed?
  Did you expect the friend relationships to develop as they did?  Celia and Minny, Aibleen and Skeeter. 
 What are your thoughts about Celia?  Did you anticipate the respect that some women expressed about their help? i.e. Louvinia and Lou Anne.

Thanks everybody for your wonderful contributions. It has been lovely reading and sharing with you.
Looking forward to the next one!

1 comment:

  1. After all that Miss Hilly did to Minny, I think that was the perfect revenge (knowing how Minny is). I loved the phrase:"Minny, what do you put in the cake that makes it taste so good?" I'm still laughing about it!
    I personally liked Aibileen's narration. I think it was sweeter than the rest, more personal.
    I'm so glad I didn't lived on that period of time, where women didn't have many options, mainly go to school to find a husband, take care of them and the house and have lots of children, even though you shouldn't have. I think the maternal relationships were kind of tense maybe because this women see their children as a reflection of them. As how good they were in their "job" as moms and wives.
    Finally, I'm glad that Minny got a job for life and a friend, even though Minny said Miss Celia wasn't her friend. I think Minny was too proud and confused to admit that her white lady boss was her friend. I'm also glad that Aibileen got a better job, even though she had to leave Mae Mobley, and that Miss Skeeter found someone that she can talk to and cared about her the way Constantine cared.


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